Credit: BBJ
Looking to go to and from NYC on the Acela? Those days might be numbered. It appears the financial obligations of various agencies are not being honored.
From the BBJ:
In a court filing this week, Amtrak signaled that it may not be able to offer rail service to riders in the Bay State unless the MBTA begins meeting its obligations under what is known as the Attleboro Line Agreement.
“MBTA’s refusal to honor its contractual payment obligations has resulted in financial harm to Amtrak, which could potentially jeopardize Amtrak’s ability to provide rail service in Massachusetts,” Amtrak said. “Amtrak depends on timely payments from MBTA for services rendered to ensure its financial stability, fund its operations, and provide service to rail customers traveling to and from Massachusetts. No business partner should have to wait over five years to receive payment on a valid, authorized, and undisputed invoice that is contractually required to be paid within 30 days.”
You can read the full article on the Boston Business Journal’s website, here.