Street Parking Rate Increase Across Boston Seaport Featured

One way to limit cars in the Seaport is to increase the cost to park them. The Seaport hourly rate will see a 25% increase for street parking, and I […]

Is Modern Office Space Too Open? Featured

Can modern office space be too open? Is this a problem plaguing today’s office space in Boston? Some say “yes,” and are migrating towards more private office space design. According […]

Stuart Street Motor Mart Garage Redevelopment Considered Featured

The Motor Mart Garage as we know it might be different in years to come. In 1927, when it was built, it stood as the largest parking garaging in the world; […]

Self-driving Boats Could Soon Cruise through Boston Harbor Featured

Will self-driving boats on Boston Harbor relieve some of the Uber traffic on our city streets? We might soon be looking to a nine-person company in East Boston for those […]

Boston Harbor Cruises repositions itself as water shuttle Featured

It doesn’t depend whether you are a regular in Boston or a tourist, getting around can be time consuming. Boston Harbor Cruises is positioning themselves to enhance their service offering […]

Analog Devices Moves ‘Innovation Lab’ to Downtown Boston, Triples office space Featured

Oxford Properties 125 Summer Street is new home for Analog Devices innovation lab. Citing ease-of-access to public transportation as a key influencer in its decision to move to 125 Summer […]

State Land for Sale near South Station in Boston Featured

Just because state-owned land near South Station is for sale, it doesn’t mean it will sell. The location is ideal, but the encumbrances make it far less attractive for any […]

GE Brands Boston HQ ‘Innovation Point’ Featured

Where is Innovation Point? If you ask your Uber driver, I imagine you will get a confusing look back at you from the rear view mirror.  If you Google it, it […]

Evolving Office Real Estate Trend Shaping Boston Workspaces Featured

Some tenants now use a model where they lease less space and rely instead on on-demand conference room and meeting space. This model changes the square foot requirements per office […]

Boston Skyline is Slated for Change Featured

The Boston Skyline is on track to change by 2020.  It will introduce some new players to the top ten and maintain some existing ones. Curbed just posted a map […]